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News & Events: The Global View from Tomorrow

Welcome to New York: Our Newest Office

November 1st, 2016 | 16:00 EDT -> 16:20 | New York, United States

OpenLink Group opened its first North America representative office located in New York City. This office will support the company's investment development strategy and ambition to outgrow boundaries of the European market. The size and diversity of the US economic market provides innumerable opportunities to acquire new partnerships and enrich our portfolio. As a growing company, we strive to cater to clients' business needs in different geographical locations covering a variety of international markets.

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Welcome to the New OpenLink Group Website

October 30th, 2016 | 08:20 EDT -> 10:40 | New York, United States

After an extensive development process, OpenLink Group is proud to unveil its global website. Now our business partners, clients, and other stakeholders are able to have an insight into the company's portfolio. The new platform emphasizes clarity and compactness, as we want to offer exceptional user experience to those with whom we share passion for information technology intelligence and business. OpenLink Group's core values and its organizational culture are deeply rooted in the structure of our new website.

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November 2016 October 2016